How to Remove Algae from a Pool without a Vacuum: A step by Step Guide

A pool is a nice place to spend quality time with family and friends and for relaxing. However, if you do not clean it properly, it will get dirty, creating conditions for algae to thrive, which can impact a person’s health negatively.

How to Remove Algae from a Pool without a Vacuum

An algae attack is a common problem in swimming pools, but there is a proper way to remove them even without a pool vacuum cleaner. This article provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to remove algae from a pool without a vacuum.

Continue perusing the article to learn more on the subject matter.

In this post we will cover:

  1. Signs of Algae Attack in a Pool
  2. How to Remove Algae from Pool without a Vacuum
  3. Removing Dead Algae from Your Pool
  4. Do I use shock or algaecide first when cleaning algae?
  5. Why is my pool still green after shock and algaecide
  6. Common pool cleaning mistakes that people make
  7. Is it safe to swim in an algae-infested pool?

Signs of Algae Attack in a Pool

Algae attack in the pool can be in small invisible amounts that make it barely noticeable, or it can spread quickly in your pool, making the water dirty. However, there are two main signs of algae attack in a pool that are sure indicators of algae.

The first is the discoloration of your pool water. When there are more algae in your pool, it will discolor the water in the pool. The presence of algae alongside other dirt particles in the pool will cause the water to turn murky and dull.

The second is the bluish-green color of your pool’s stairs and walls. Algae also attack the walls of a pool and other bumpy areas, such as stairs in the pool. That is because algae grow well around the walls of the pool and bump areas.

How to Remove Algae from Pool without a Vacuum: A step by Step Guide


Taking care of the pool’s filter: A pool filter is essential for the removal of dirt from the pool and it should be kept clean. If you have a pool filter, removing algae, dirt, and other debris from your pool becomes easier. All that is required is regular cleaning of the filter.

Turn the filter off before cleaning it and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer on rinsing off the pool filter. If the filter is too dirty, use the garden hose as a siphon to remove dirt and debris from the filter.

Once properly cleaned, the filter will automatically lower the algae level in your pool.

Caring for your pool pump: keep the water in your pool circulating to prevent an algae attack since stagnant water provides the right conditions for algae to thrive. The best way to circulate pool water is by using a pool pump, which may get clogged, causing water stagnation in the pool.

That will allow algae to start forming in the pool. Therefore, it is essential to always keep the pool pump clean. You can clean the pump using a skimmer or a pump strainer.

Removing Algae from Your Pool

Even with proper care of the filtration and pool pump, algae will still be able to grow in your pool. Therefore, knowing how to remove algae from the water without a vacuum is essential. That includes both the bottom and surface of the pool.

Method 1 Using algaecide: algaecide kills algae quickly and it is also a quicker and smarter way of getting rid of algae.

Step 1: Choose a particular algaecide to eliminate specific algae, whether yellow, green, or blue. However, if you want to eliminate all algae types at once, a multipurpose algaecide is the best.

Step 2: Turn on the pool pump and wait for a few minutes. Then apply the algaecide to the pool. You will need 16 ounces for every 10,000 gallons of water.

Step 3: Run the pool filter and wait for 12 to 24 hours for all the algae in your pool to die and be removed from the pool water.

Method 2 Applying shock product: calcium hypochlorite is a popular shock product when it comes to removing algae from your pool water.

Wear a pair of hand gloves while using the product because it can damage your tissues if you work with bare hands. Protect your eyes also from accidental spillage by wearing safety goggles.

Step 1: wear hand gloves and protective goggles for safety since calcium hypochlorite can burn your soft tissues.

Step 2: take a clean bucket that can hold five gallons of water and fill it with tap water. Ensure that the water is clean.

Step 3: add a pound of the shock product to the bucket. Then use a stick to stir the mixture until it is adequately diluted.

Depending on the size of your pool, you may need to use between 15 and 20 gallons of water and 3 to 4 pounds of calcium hypochlorite.

Step 4: pour the mixture directly into the area that has been infected by algae. Usually, a dose of the shock product is enough to kill most algae. However, if the algae attack is too aggressive, you may need to use the calcium hypochlorite twice.

Step 5: we recommend applying the shock product during the night to have ample time to work in the pool water. Then run the filter for at least six to eight hours after using the product. That will allow the shock product to release chlorine and kill the algae.

Once the algae is dead, collect it and then properly vacuum the pool water.

Removing Dead Algae from Your Pool

There are times when dead algae will accumulate at the bottom of your pool. It is essential to remove it as soon as possible to keep your pool water clean and neat.

You can remove the dead algae using a telescopic pole and a garden hose. The garden hose will operate like a siphon that wipes out algae and other debris from the pool.

Connect the telescopic pole to the garden hose end and the other end of the hose to a vacuuming port to remove water. Attach a bag for collecting the debris. Then, using the tube as a siphon, reach the tank’s bottom and remove any remaining algae and dirt.


Getting algae from your pool without a vacuum is easy, and there are several methods that can be applied to remove the algae. You can use a shocking product such as calcium hypochlorite or an algaecide, whether algae-specific or multipurpose.

Regardless of which method you choose to eliminate algae from your pool, it is best to know the correct way of doing so. Just follow the procedures highlighted above for either of the methods to effectively clean algae from your pool.


Do I use shock or algaecide first when cleaning algae?

When cleaning algae from the pool, shock your pool first before adding algaecide. When the levels of chlorine in the pool return to normal that is the time to add the algaecide.

Ensure that the pump is running while the correct amount is added to the required places in the pool so that the algaecide can be circulated. Too much algaecide will cause foam which can damage the filter of your pool or even cause skin and eye irritation.

Algaecide is best used as algae preventative because it keeps algae from growing in your pool, maintains the pool’s pH balance, and works with chlorine sanitizers.

However, the algaecide should be added after a shock treatment has been applied to your pool so that it can have a better chance of supporting the chlorine as it works. It should be added 24 hours after shocking the pool.

Shocking your pool while using algaecide at the same time creates a bad chemical reaction if necessary precautions are not taken.

Why is my pool still green after shock and algaecide and how do I clear it?

If your pool is still green after shocking, it means that you used inadequate chlorine and there is a lot of metal elements in the pool water. That means that you will have to begin the cleaning process again.

Begin by removing all debris from the pool using a leaf net and then allow the smaller fragments of dirt to settle. Secondly, if your pool has a high dosage chlorine content and is still green, it is important to test the pH level after shocking.

Use a test strip or kit to test the pH, which will indicate whether other chemicals should be added. A high pH means that the pool water is cloudy and alkaline, more so after shocking.

If this is the case, add hydrochloric acid to the pool water to neutralize the basic elements in it. Generally, the pH level should be lower.

Thirdly, shock the pool, but before that, ensure that the pH of the water is 7. Then shock the pool with chemicals. Take chlorine and distribute it evenly around your pool and turn on the filter.

Allow the liquid chlorine to circulate in the pool for 12 hours before thoroughly brushing the pool. At this point, you can add algaecide to clean the pool.

Fourthly, check the pump and filter for clogs caused by the algae-infested water, which is haze-jade green in color. Run your filter for a few days depending on your filter system.

However, if you want quick results, you can backwash your filter four times. You will begin to see the transformation after 24 hours.

What are some of the common pool cleaning mistakes that people make?

Directly adding shock to the pool water: The chemical pool shock is concentrated chlorine, which when at high strength can bleach anything entering the pool. For instance, turning white clothes yellow and black ones pink.

If your pool has a vinyl liner, directly adding shock will bleach out your liner because the shock granules will sink to the bottom, causing the bleaching effect. The bleached areas will become frail and brittle, causing leaks.

Instead of direct shocking, fill a bucket with water and pre-dissolve the chemical in it, as it will allow the shock to be distributed more evenly in the pool. It will also protect the floor, liners, and walls of your pool.

Use warm water for the shock to dissolve more easily, and wear protective gear for your eyes, a mask, and gloves that are resistant to chemicals.

Neglecting to test the pool water: Your pool water should be tested once a week and have a water pool sample of your pool analyzed on a monthly basis to identify any issues that may grow into significant problems.

The basic levels that you should be testing for include calcium hardness, pH and alkalinity, salt and total dissolved solid levels, cyanuric acid, and iron and copper.

Not brushing your pool: Your pool needs to be brushed to look its best. The areas of focus should be corners, crevices, behind ladders, steps, stairs, and the waterline.

The scrubbing will keep algae and other invaders at bay. The brushing should be done once a week or as often as required.

Running your filter system for fewer hours: Ideally, you should run your pool’s filter system for at least eight hours to effectively eliminate contaminants. Eight hours should be enough time for all the water to pass through the filter system.

Using an automatic pool cleaner for algae removal: Automatic pool cleaners push algae and other debris through the mesh bag but do not remove algae. Instead, apply a manual pool vacuum, which is best suited for algae removal.

Is it safe to swim in an algae-infested pool?

It is not safe to swim in a pool with algae, whether the algae is mild or severe. That is because algae is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that feed on the algae. The bacteria pose health risks that result in a skin rash.

The bacteria can also infect a person’s eyes and ears if they swim in algae-infested water. If the water is accidentally ingested, it can result in other health concerns, including fever and diarrhea.

How to Remove Algae from a Pool without a Vacuum